

英国杂志"tomorrow's retail floors"在近期出书的月刊中 ,揭晓了关于人字拼气焰气焰的先容 ,以及对Moduleo人字拼地板的评价。

01 人字拼地板的起源&盛行趋势

The experts from LVT specialist Moduleo discuss the origins of herringbone parquet and how easy it is to now emulate the traditional look.

LVT行业中的专业生产商--Moduleo的专家们讨论了人字拼花地板的起源 ,以及现在模拟这种古板外观有多容易。

Capable of delivering a distin guished and characterful aesthetic, herringbone designs have grown in popularity exponentially in recent years.

近年来 ,人字拼设计的盛行水平呈指数级增添 ,提供了一种奇异的气焰气焰和个性美学。



Rooms with this standout design almost tell a rich story of their own and this classic style comes with a modern touch from Moduleo.

空间中有这种出彩设计 ,险些都能讲述其富厚多彩的故事 ,莫迪里奥这一经典气焰气焰更富有现代气息。



Few know that the term herringbone actually dates back to the Roman Empire and the design acquired its name due to the way it resembles the bones of a herring fish.

很少人知道“herringbone人字拼”一词现实上可以追溯到罗马帝国 ,这种设计之以是得名 ,是由于它与鲱鱼的骨骼相似。

Whilst the flooring has strong connotations of timeless, historical design, it has also become popular in ultra-modern homes looking to add dynamism and visual interest.

虽然地板永恒、历史的设计内在十分深挚 ,但它也能够增添活力和视觉意见意义 ,在超现代家庭中盛行。

02 Moduleo人字拼地板

Suitable for both classic and contemporary properties, Moduleo's LVT floors in this style offer the ultimate in comfort, strength and performance.

Moduleo的LVT地板适用于古典和现代修建 ,它在恬静性、强度和性能方面都抵达了极致。


Matthew Brook, National Sales Manager for IVC Group UK and Eire, commented: "Herringbone continues to go from strength to strength as a firm favourite in the UK. Searches for the style support this and our sales figures show growing demand for it over recent years, so we expect this trend to continue.

IVC集团(英国&爱尔兰分公司)的销售司理Matthew Brook谈论道:“在英国 ,人字拼在商业企业中越来越受接待。这从人字拼的线上搜索量就能够说明 ,并且我们的销售数据显示 ,近年来人们对人字拼的需求一直增添 ,因此我们预计人字拼将一连盛行下去。

“At Moduleo, we offer two different sizes of Herringbone plank, meaning a pattern can be accentuated to a customer's preferences. This offers more flexibility for people to create the room they truly want and, with a style like Herringbone, they can rest assured that it will be relevant for years to come."

“在莫迪里奥中 ,我们的人字拼地板有两种差别的尺寸 ,这意味着图案可以强调客户的偏好。这为人们创立他们真正想要的房间提供了更大的无邪性 ,并且 ,像人字拼这样的气焰气焰 ,他们可以定心选 ,它将在未来几年中施展应有的作用。”

Despite boasting a classic parquet-style aesthetic, LVT designs provide great acoustic comfort. Vinyl is resilient and reduces Walking and transit noise to an absolute minimum.




只管拥有经典的拼花气焰气焰美学 ,LVT设计也提供了极大的声学恬静性。乙烯基地板具有弹性 ,能够将噪声降至最小。

Herringbone LVT is simple to install and has a variety of wood-effect options priced lower than traditional parquet flooring. The range lends itself well to hallways and kitchens, giving them a classic look but with modern benefits, such as warmth under foot and water resistance.

人字拼LVT装置简朴 ,具有多种木效果花色 ,价钱低于古板的实木地板 ,很是适合铺在走廊和厨房。它有着经典的外观 ,同时也有着现代的优点 ,好比脚感温温暖防水。



Matthew continued:“The herringbone style truly is a timeless classic and elements of the design can be seen throughout history. The style has proven to be an enduring pattern, used in a broad range of contexts, from textiles and fabrics to the world of flooring."

Matthew继续说道:“人字拼气焰气焰确实是一个永恒的经典 ,其设计元素贯串整个历史。这种气焰气焰已被证实是一种耐久不衰的图案 ,普遍应用于各个领域 ,贯串纺织品、织物到地板。”

Making a sustainable choice has never been more important for consumers and LVT can provide that. Driven by continuous R&D, Moduleo has developed a range with new steps taken in the fields of wellness, acoustics and performance. The company has a zero-impact sustainability goal in its sights, with the aim to fully cut emissions, eliminate waste and use 100% renewable energy by 2040.

对消耗者来说 ,做出可一连的选择从未云云主要 ,而LVT可以知足到这一点。在一连研发的推动下 ,莫迪里奥在康健、声学和性能领域接纳了一系列新步伐。公司着眼于零影响可一连生长目的 ,目的是到2040年完全镌汰排放、消除铺张并使用100%的可再生能源。

Moduleo is already an eco-friendly option, manufactured using renewable energy in its state-of-the-art factory in Belgium. The factory is equipped with three wind turbines and part of the manufacturing is cooled using water from the Scheldt River which runs alongside the facility. The product contains up to 50% recycled material and is itself recyclable, meaning customers are making a forward-thinking. eco-conscious choice when selecting its LVT.

莫迪里奥已经成为一种生态友好型的选择 ,其比利时最先进的工厂使用可再生能源制造。工厂配备了三台风力涡轮机 ,部学生产环节使用旁边Scheldt河的河水举行冷却。产品含有高达50%的可接纳质料 ,并且自己是可接纳的 ,这意味着消耗者正在举行前瞻性思索。中选择LVT时 ,批注这是一种具有生态意识的选择。


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